May 11, 2019


A+D Museum Annual Fundraiser Gala | KAA Design is a proud sponsor of the 2019 A+D Museum Annual Fundraiser Gala. Thank you to all who joined us and sponsored the evening.

The KAA crowd is having a blast at the 2019 A+D Museum Fundraising Gala. Our team from left to right in the group photo above: Jordan Nguyen, Steve Straughan, Dan Murphy, Duan Tran, Lisa Copeland, Erik Evens, Grant Kirkpatrick and David Vazquez. Four of our very own staff were featured artist for the silent auction. We are so proud of our guys!

The 2019 A+D Museum Fundraiser Gala’s theme was ‘PLAY’. Artist offered their own version of what that word means to them, including many interactive games. In this image, Nintendo’s Mario Kart was projected onto a wall outside the venue measuring about 20′ high! Everyone can see your victorious race against Bowser as you pass him at the last second shooting a red turtle shell to knock him back. Go Mario, Go!

More of our KAA team, all smiles as they walk through the venue. In this image from left to right: Steve Straughan, Jordan Nguyen, Esther Alva, David Vazquez, Shaya and Grant Kirkpatrick.

TIC TAC TOE anyone?

KAA Design would like to thank all those who participated in this year’s A+D Museum Fundraiser Gala as guest, artist, and supporters. The featured KAA artist were Dan Murphy, Erick Prins, Mark Nichols, and Tim Reynolds. We hope to see you all again for the Summer events!